

21-15-9 Double KB/DB Deadlifts, 70s/53s Abmat Sit-ups Box Jumps, 24”/20” 15-12-9 Double KB/DB Push Press, 50s/35s TTB Calorie Row


12 RFT: 8 Burpees to Plate, 45/25 8 Walking Plate Lunges, 45/25 200m Run


AMRAP in 35 min: 30-60 Single Unders 12-15 DB Bench Press 5 Barbell Deadlifts (Heavy) 8-12 GHD Hip Extensions 600m Run 8-10 Pendlay Rows 8-10 DB Bicep Curls


A. Front Squats 5x3  RPE 7-8 B. Conditioning In 3 min: 25 Air Squats 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24”/20” Max Calorie Row -1 min REST- In 3 min: 25 Air Squats 10 Burpee Box [...]

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